An ordinary day in the life

In some respects, life has slowed down from the hectic feel when we first arrived. With travel and other work commitments, kids sick with colds and the weather quite cool, we generally haven’t been out as much. Still, you have to make the most of the opportunities — today was a wonderful, 5C day with sun and no wind, so we tried as much as possible to get out and aboutI went up the street around the corner to our local french patissierie to buy some baguettes and this is the view that greated me at the front door.
Jasper in the mean time spent some of his morning playing on the computer, missing the glorious sun rise.
We finally got out to Colliers Wood — a couple of tube stops away and so named because it was a wood inhabited by coal burners in the middle ages. Now it’s an industrial suburb of London. Karina and Ella are standing on a bridge across one of the many canals in London built to service the industrial age and cart goods to and from factories. For the most part they are now quite picturesque and generally tree lined as green corridors for wild life.
At Colliers Wood, we found an indoor play centre which kept the kids happy for a couple of hours and let them burn off some energy.
After we made it home, we then went out for dinner at a restauraunt at the end of our street for Italian. A quiet Saturday in London.