Cold weather fun

The weather is taking a nasty turn here now, it’s finally starting to really cool off after what has been some fantastic autumn days (no complaining mind you). On Thursday night a storm ripped through and we were amazed how the stunning autumn leaves we’d all been enjoying just dissappeared in one evening. The trees are now more bare than colourful and the days are getting darker — twilight is starting around 4pm.On Friday I had to go back to the hospital for a check-up so I walked to school with Karina and the kids before heading over. I was outside for only a few minutes before my teeth were chattering. I realise now I’m going to have to be more prepared (I’m so used to storming to the office and being inside all day!). The kids and Karina were fine.On the hospital front, I’m getting my Gall Bladder removed and I’m on the waiting list for next week. Hopefully a quick in and out with key hole surgery – a couple of days off and I’ll be back at work, assuming of course I’m not the 1 in 20 where key hole is not possible, in which case it will be 3 – 6 weeks!With the colder weather we spent more time inside. The kids are very good at finding things to amuse themselves. Here is a photo Jasper planned and took all by himself of Mr. Bird playing on the computer.
Ella and Jasper also spent most of Saturday building this diorama of haunted houses, complete with lego star wars figures, graveyards, spider webs and other creepy crawlies.