Getting a school

Well, we have settled in more now since arriving on Monday. Amazing how quickly it has all happened. The kids are not too fazed by the differences we have experienced, such as:1. Always walking on the right-hand side of the footpath, and standing on the right of escalators2. New train and underground stations and tickets3. New brands of milk, food, etc (we haven’t been able to buy Milo yet, nor chocolate topping for making milkshakes so Jasper is missing out on his 2 favourite drinks!)4. Different taxis, types of cars, etcGetting the kids into local school is proving to be difficult. There are about 15 possible schools, but most are private and would cost us $10,000 per term (no way we’re paying that). Many are also religious and you have to be part of the church community to get admitted (no way we’re doing that). The last few are all full, or will accept Ella and not Jasper – turns out there’s a baby boom and places for Reception all have waiting lists of over 50 kids. Not sure what we’ll do – I might have to plead a strong case for keeping the kids in the same school and beg them to take Jasper, knowing it will be only 9 months or so. Sweet talking here we come….