International Day

I remember being at the international school in Jordan when I was a kid and we had an international day as well, so I wonder if it’s a british thing, or just a co-incidence?Anyway, on International Day the kids all dress up in their national costumes and bring plates of food to share from their culture. You can see where this creates an issue for us Aussies — the food bit is OK, but national clothing? Throw on some stubbies and a pair of thongs maybe, but given it was around 10 degrees this morning, might be a bit cold.The kids rose to the challenge — Ella planned her costume in Green and Gold, she even had two shirts and cut a kangaroo out of the top one so it was coloured in when she layered it. Unfortunately the kangaroo was so stretched by the time it got on, it looked a bit poorly and not at all like a kangaroo!
Ella dressed for international day in green and gold.
Karina and the kids heading off to school – Karina laden down with bags and Anzac cookies as our contribution for food. Jasper is wearing a Quicksilver top somewhere under his jumper as his contribution.