It's beginning to feel a lot like...

…it’s bloody freezing cold.Not sure what is with our central heating at home, but we are struggling to get the temperature inside above 15C – 17C, which is quite cool.  Karina wears her jacket and scarf indoors most of the day now.  Of course outside is even cooler — the temperature is typically around 1 – 5C during the day plus whatever the wind chill factor happens to be which can be substantial.The local duck pond is slowly freezing over, there is about 4mm thick ice covering one large section of it now.  We stopped by on our walk yesterday, marvelling at the seagulls “walking” on the water and the kids had a lot of fun throwing things on top of it.  We pulled a large piece out and they were fascinated by it.It’s a rude awakening from the last two weeks in Tampa.  One thing that is very noticeable is how the trees have dropped their leaves over the last two weeks.  When I left there was a lot of colour around, but now it’s just gray, stark looking branches as far as the eye can see.I feel I’m becoming a true brit! Turning into a whinging pom 🙂