La Moinerie

After three days in Reading, it was off on holiday again. I’m almost sick of them… almost.Karina found a wonderful holiday house in Brittany just south of St Malo called La Moinerie (near Plouer Sur Rance) and we arranged with the O’Dwyers to meet them there. We travelled over on Friday 18th and they drove from Paris on Saturday morning.
Looking back at the house from the JettyOnce again it was back to Stanstead Airport and a brief one hour flight to Dinard Airport in Brittany, France. Fortunately the trip was in the afternoon so it was very civilised comparitively.We’ve been to France several times and every time find something new to fall in love with and this was no exception. We were very jealous of the Brits (and the French) having such wonderful countryside on their doorsteps.I’ll let the photos do the talking, but one thing worth noting is that we were on the Rance river which has the third highest tidal fall in the world apparently. We were amazed each day watching the water level rise and fall every six hours.
Tide in
Tide outThe house and scenery aside, the other great part of this break was sharing it with the O’Dwyers. Kate, Sarah, Ella and Jasper all get on so well, having known each other for so long, and we really enjoy Paul and Lisa’s company too, so everyone was happy. It’s also just great spending time with people who understand where you’ve come from and joke around in “Australian” for a bit.
View of the house and jetty from the nearby cliffs. You can just make out the kids mucking around on the jetty. It was very popular!
Our location “sur le” Rance riverOver the three days we spent time in Dinan, St Malo, Dinard and Le Mont St Michel, all interesting places in their own right and everyone worth seeing, but no matter how great the day, it was wonderful to drive back to the B&B and enjoy good company, good wine and good cheese!
The drive through the local hamlets towards the B&B
Local saint at the cross roads
Preparing dinner