Launch of Distlr — The event specific Twitter client

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, one thing you may of noticed in the last few weeks is some cryptic references to “Project X”. Well, I’m really pleased to announce the launch of our new project, Distlr — The Essence of the Event.
One of the things we’ve learnt with Tribalytic is that there is a really strong relationship between the number of active tweeters and their volume of tweets.
Some research from the Twitter blog also confirms this, where they can see spikes of up to 3,200 Tweets Per Second around major events (the normal load is 750 Tweets Per Second).
When there are more than around 30 Tweets per minute it becomes hard to keep up with an event stream just using Twitter search, so we asked ourselves the question in mid-september “What would an event specific Twitter client look like?”
We are really excited to launch Distlr alongside the AFL Grand Final replay today.
Distlr has several features that make it the ideal client for participating in a fast moving event:
- Reply and retweet directly from the stream.
- Automatically streams and refreshes on the screen.
- It filters out popular tweets so when the stream moves fast, you won’t miss the important things.
- You can filter the stream by trending topics and your own keywords.
- Top Users are shown — work out who to follow and who’s most relevant.
- Plus more…
If you’re planning to follow the AFL Grandfinal on Twitter today, then we’d love you to give Distlr ( a go and let us know your feedback. Would you use Distlr for other events? Let me know in the comments, or on Twitter (