London Zoo

This weekend we planned to get out again, but I spent all Saturday laid up in bed after no sleep on Friday night. A bit of emergency diagnosis on Saturday morning at it seems likely that I have a stomache ulcer — the positive thing is that the drug they have prescribed me is making a huge difference after only 24 hours, so it seems like it’s probably the right diagnosis and therefore mendable.Today we headed to London Zoo. It was a really enjoyable day out, although exhausting, especially for the kids. One of the really enjoyable things about London is the sense of discovery around the corner. I’m sure that Melbourne has this too if you’re not so familiar with it, but our day took a lot of unexpected turns.After touring the Zoo, which was good, but not as good as Melbourne or Singapore in our opinion, we came across a canal through the middle and caught a “river bus” to Camden Lock. There we came across lots of markets as we walked along Camden Road, then finally caught the tube home. A really great day, but very tiring!One highlight at the Zoo was the spider monkey enclosure where you walked through without glass between you and monkeys. There were lots of warning about not having food out and we saw first hand why. Someone pulled food out and the whole troop of Spider Monkeys suddenly “fixated” on them and lost all fear of humans. The Zoo Keeper was calling “Get that food out of here, hide it away”, and one Monkey actually jumped into a pusher and tried to nick something. It was quite good fun actually!Of course while we were in the markets, we had to shop and I bought an old 70’s “Mac” — much cheaper than the modern ones, for those cold winters days which are slowly creeping up on us.
Ella on “Winnie the Pooh”
Spider Monkey before making a dash for the pram.
Jasper looking at the meerkats through the plastic dome in the side wall of the enclosure.
The canal stop we “discovered” in the zoo and waiting for the boat.
Karina and Jasper on the River Bus.
Camden Lock markets were very busy!
Karina got a bit tired and over it — actually she’s just imatating Ella every time I try to take a picture of her!
Karina and Ella by the Lock.