Minor setbacks and termites

Rushed home onTuesday night after chatting with James in the morning expecting to see the bearers and possibly joists in for the floor. Unfortunately the materials weren’t delivered on time. Think this left James and I as disappointed as each other — it was a great day for working yesterday.
I did however take a nice picture of the ant caps on the stumps, rivetting stuff which I would have otherwise missed if the bearers were down 😉 I’ll put it up with the photos I plan to take once the joists are down. James mentioned that the wood making up the garden edging, which has been recycled into set-out markers where needed, is riddled with termites. No evidence they are in the house, but it does mean we will need a proper inspection and a probably even a preventative treatment or baiting once the works are finished. Seems a large number of people are now viewing the blog; word gets around! I’ve added a counter and included a link to Natural Directions as well as Jude Doyle Architects in the side bar. We are wrapped with both of them, so no hesitation in recommending them if you’re interested.