Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

Quite unexpectedly on Friday we recieved a call from some very old family friends, Eileen and Geoff Ball who I know from when I lived in Jordan with Mum and Dad back in the early 80’s. Eileen had just recieved the “Bulls Bulletin” – the annual Bull family christmas booklet – and read that we were now in London. She was keen that we come and visit and we leapt at the chance both to catch up and to get out of London for the weekend.They live in Bexhill-On-Sea, which is very near Hastings and the chance to go to the seaside was also really appealling. Within about an hour we had the car sorted out for two days and overnight accommodation in Bexhill. It was really exciting to have a plan!We crammed a lot into our two days out of town, but had a wonderful time and I really enjoyed catching up with Geoff and Eileen, and they enjoyed meeting me and the family, who of course they feel they know as they’ve been seeing photos and reading about us every year!They will be pleased to know that, a part from a few more grey hairs, they look very much as I remember them although given I was 12 when they last saw me, there’s no doubt I’ve probably changed a lot more.I’m going to break this up into several posts as we saw and did so much and I took a lot of photos. Here is one of Eileen and Geoff with the kids though for now.