Queen at ICS
A little off topic, but I was contacted by Farida Haqiqi’s “little” sister Lisette last week through Facebook, asking if I had a copy of the Queens Visit to Jordan.I do, and I even have it digitised on my computer, so I’ve taken out the important bit — the Queen at ICS (the whole thing runs for about 30 minutes with her arriving, looking at horses, visiting the Jordan valley etc). I’ve placed it up here on my web host.Right click the link and save it locally for yourself. It is in media player format. The Queen at ICSI’m not 100% sure of the date, but I believe this was either late 1983 or in the first half of 1984.I’m the boy with the light coloured T-Shirt and blond hair presenting the book — not a “picture” as they say on the voice over. It was a collection of art the students had done about the Queen all combined together.You’ll see Lisette standing in the crowd shot as the camera pans while the Queen is walking a long. She’s wearing a black dress and does a curtsey.