Restumping and removing

You might remember that before we went away to England (August 2007) we had a brief termite infestation which had to be eradicated. This has caused a small cascade of problems which need to be addressed – we have to replace the window that was eaten out, we thought we’d get all the windows across the front unstuck and re-sprung so they work again, but there wasn’t really much point in this until we have re-stumped the old part of the house which we’ve ignored throughout the previous reno.Well it’s all kicked off today with the restumpers begin work underneath the house. James (our builder) will be back tomorrow to remove the window that needs replacing to take it off to a joiner to be re-made and then once all that’s complete we can get the other windows repaired.
Jacks under the house where a couple of stumps have been removed
The corner of Ella’s room
The front of the house with barge boards removed. You might notice if you’re familiar with our house a couple of other changes – Karina got sick of the shutters and the climbing frame on the chimney and pulled them off.Once the restumping and the windows are completed, we are then planning to have the outside of the house fully re-painted which we hope to get done by around April.