ROSL96: Context switch


ROSL96 — Reflections on startup life, week 96.

Once again we change gears.

The last few weeks have been head down coding on SportsDP. Now that’s launched and out the door, my focus is switching back to But now it’s not coding, it’s marketing.

With the new release coming along and a deadline set, it’s now all about getting the marketing materials and plan in place. It’s a switch from the technical side of coding, that’s for sure. More than that. it’s a whole new environment. For the first time in ages, I’ve booted into Windows instead of Ubuntu. Why? Because the tools in Windows are better for this type of work (while Ubuntu wins hands down as a dev environment).

That’s the fun of being in a start-up, the jobs always changing and there are always new things to do and learn.

As a bit of a teaser, I’ve attached the new logo which we’ll be launching with which hints to the new colour scheme.