The Bed and Breakfast

We met Sophie, Andrew and baby Alexandre (Sophie is French, so Alexandre is the correct spelling, not my bad typing for once), in a lovely restauraunt in Glendalough which is in the heart of the Wicklow Mountains. Shortly after it started to rain, which on top of the cold meant that we really weren’t interested in getting out that afternoon, so we went back to the B&B.
Andrew and Alexandre enjoying afternoon tea.The hostess, Eileen, was very friendly and served us fresh scones, coffee and tea when we arrived. We settled into the rooms, then enjoyed the afternoon chatting. Finally the rain lifted so we headed off for a walk on the farm, a highlight for Jasper who spent most of it chasing sheep.
Jasper and his sheep – he never did get as close as he would like.
Sophie and Alexandre
Tim and Andrew walking back up the hill to the B&B.It was a fun first day and we enjoyed the company as well as the great surroundings.