The first day

It’s now 6.15pm, and we’ve reached the end of the first day in surprisingly good nick, although there is no doubt we are all tired. Kids are in a very good mood which surprises me. They really objected walking up the shops this morning, but by the afternoon were raring to go again.Karina and the Kids went to Richmond Park and enjoyed the wildlife (Deer, Squirrels and lots of people walking the dogs), but not the fauna, all of them having a run in with some kind of stinging nettle. Karina made the comment to me later that it was really bizzare to see the kind of trees we tend to associate with manicured gardens growing “wild” in Richmond Park.I went in to work, figured I should get back in the groove and was able to spend the day quietly organising myself as a new starter (the paperwork is unbelievable!) before some of my colleagues from Europe join us tomorrow.I’ve included a few photos below. In case you didn’t realise, clicking on a photo takes you through to the web album, again there are many more photos up there (usually with captions) than what I put here. Ironically the photos on the web are still even a further subset of the myriad I actually take! I’m loving our new digital camera which is so much more portable than the previous SLR which was a bit bulky.
The kitchen in our temporary serviced apartment (permanent one whould be next week).
The bedroom in our serviced apartment.
Kids at the end of day one with magazines they bought with money from Grandma.