We have left the building...

Finally we are on our way.The last few days have been very hectic.  Had a party Saturday, went to Geelong Sunday to see Nan and then spent Sunday afternoon packing some things.  On Monday kids were at their last day of school, so Karina and I madly continued to pack and run errands, drop off the car and so forth.One unwelcome piece of news on the Monday was the discovery of termites in the front window of the house, so we had to get a pest controller in and spend $2,800 over the next 12 months to get the treated.  Just what we needed at the last minute.On Tuesday, it was constant, but no panic.  We packed our bags and did some last minute organising then went down the street for morning tea.  When we came back, we swept and mopped a few things, then we were off to the Airport.The trip was good, we waited in the First Class lounge and enjoyed a nice meal and some Moet Chandon and then boarded the plane on time.  Kids were great, although a little tired when we arrived and everyone was excited to get to Singapore.We’ve had a great couple of days lazing around the pool and enjoying the local attractions.  I’ll post about these shortly.Final good news is we have some accommodation sorted out now in the UK for when we arrive although it is temporary for the moment.