Week 196: Edinburgh - pre-wedding

A week of relaxing in Edinburgh. housesitting and waiting for Ella and Inge's wedding.

Week 196: Edinburgh - pre-wedding
17 months ago at Christmas in Norway with Inge's family, where Ella and Inge announced their engagement.

Over 17 months ago, on Christmas 2022 in Norway, Ella and Inge announced to both families that they were engaged and planning to get married. That seems like an impossibly long time now—the wedding was "forever" away, something abstract and in the future. But here we are, less than seven days to go.

This last week in Edinburgh has been very relaxed. We've enjoyed spending a little bit of time with Ella and Inge during the week—although not as much as you might think! They've both been busy with work, and we were staying at a house sit on the other side of the city.

It's been nice to be here and help out with a few preparation tasks. We've arranged some photo printing, Karina has researched and ordered some cupcakes, and we've been collecting and cleaning bottles for bottle light decorations (which has involved me drinking lots of Thistly Cross cider, so I'm not complaining). They are small things, but it's lovely being able to feel involved.

For the most part, Ella and Inge seem very relaxed about the whole thing. It seems everything is planned, and now it's just a matter of executing on the day, which will go fine. They have a good plan and a relaxed approach – the wedding is an event, but it's not THE event. It's not about the WEDDING it's about celebrating them making a commitment to each other – I think that's lovely that this is the focus. It will be a day that is uniquely theirs.

Happy to score the front seat at the top of the Double Decker bus. We're such tourists sometimes 🤣

We enjoyed getting to explore and know more of the Bellevue / Cannon Mills area of Edinburgh, just north of New Town. We've marvelled at how dense Edinburgh is for such a small city. Every street looks similar! Row upon row of four-story Georgian houses that stretch to the edge of the road, and nary a garden to be seen.

Typical Edinburgh housing. Four stories lining both sides of the street.

On Sunday afternoon, Ella and Inge came to the house-sit to hang out and pat the cats, and we had a roast pork dinner. It's good to have four hungry people to eat a roast for a change!

Monday, we headed to their place for lunch. In many ways, when we're just killing time like this, life slows down so much it can be hard to fit everything in! We were due there for midday, and we still felt rushed.

It was very wet for a couple of days, and we took the opportunity to go see a movie at the local cinema. We experienced popcorn with M&Ms sprinkled on top. They do seem to love their sweet foods here. I liked it, Karina not so much.

Wet and bedraggled after walking in the rain to the cinema and the M&Ms in our popcorn!

We also relaxed at the apartment, shopped, played with the cats, walked through the botanic gardens, watched TV and did a few errands. Thursday, it was back over to Ella & Inge's house for dinner – a local Philly Cheesesteak place as takeout. Some more wedding prep, this time folding programmes and helping as they made up their photo board.

Preparing the photo board.

Friday we finished the house sit and moved back to Ella & Inge's place. They are away this weekend in Liverpool at a conference about Coop's (shared living, working etc.) so as you can tell, very little panic on their side for the wedding, at least from the outside!

This week is all about the impending wedding on Saturday, the last-minute tasks and pickups (for me) and, of course, family arriving from Australia (my parents and my sister), Japan (Jasper), Ella's high school friend (Sebastian) and lots of people from Norway on Inge's side. We're excited to catch up with everyone, and it will no doubt be a very busy time and a happy one. We're thrilled that people are making the effort to come and be here to help Ella and Inge celebrate, and we can't wait for Saturday now!

Until next time,

Tim & Karina