Week 8 progress

There has been a lot of progress internally on the house last week, culminating with the elctricians completing the “rough-in” on Friday. The old bathroom has been completely gutted now, and the new frame put up inside. James has done a fair bit of work to straighten the exterior wall which is leaning outwards, the new frame is now plumb.
My own bit of building work and set-out for the planter boxes I’ll be building on Wednesday this week.
Speaker wire, antenna and power from the electricians.
New cavity wall for the sliding door to the pantry.
The black butt posts have arrived. They will most likely go in this week — these are the slightly smaller ones which will be the verandah posts.
Jude, James and Wendy at the site meeting, Friday morning. This happens every Friday to discuss the weeks progress and plan next weeks activities.