Weekend with Grandpa

Grandpa popped in for a couple of nights this weekend on his return journey from Germany. We were all very excited as he’s the first family member to see where we’re living in London. Jasper was so excited after he arrived that he very nearly wet his pants! The weekend has been full of tickles and chasey and shrieks of laughter and giggles.
Ella proudly showing her homework and Jasper playing with Grandpa’s beardAfter a quick tour of our local area and the common on Saturday morning, we caught the tube into the city to stop at Covent Garden. The London Transport Museum was refurbished recently and we wanted to take a look.
A play on the common; frisbee and soccer
Watching the new baby swans (cygnets)The museum was quite good, and showed the kids how London transport evolved from carriages to omnibuses to trolley buses and the underground trains. There were some good displays and a woman dressed up in costume telling the kids about her job sweeping horse dung off the roads. You were also able to climb aboard various old buses and get a real feel for how it would have been travelling inside.
A very large display of old vehicles
It was pretty scary up there
An old cabThere were lots of posters and examples of old-fashioned advertising. The one below caught our eye:
The ‘All British’ label is quite amusingWe had a lovely time and went home to a bottle of Moet champagne and a lamb roast dinner. Sunday was more relaxed and involved a stroll in the common with a pit stop at the playground and cafe. It was great to have Grandpa come and stay.