World Book Day

My ghoulish, dark children are dressed up today for World Book Day. They love having their hair spray-painted – it’s quite a transformation!
Skeleton from ‘Funnybones’ and Araminta Spook from ‘My Haunted House’Arriving at school was fun as so many kids were dressed up. Harry Potter, lots of princesses, The Cat in the Hat, Batman and various superheroes and even Cleopatra!It’s nice for the kids to have something fun and different to do at school. They look forward to events like this and have a special treat at school today – a performance by a theatre group based on the Charlie and Lola books.Both Ella and Jasper still love reading books. Jasper is reading ‘The Boys Book of How to Be the Best at Everything’ which is a cute vintage-style hardback containing pages on ‘How to make a waterbomb from paper’ and ‘How to climb a tree’.