Delfine Week 236: Here comes the sun We tear down the wheelhouse in order to repair and remake it, fixing the damage from the bridge collision last year as well as replacing the roof panels.
Delfine Week 235: Patching continues Lots of progress in patching holes inside and starting work on the wheelhouse.
Delfine Week 234: Console Construction Big steps forward with the console, patching the roof and we finally have some heating!
Delfine Week 233: More positive steps The windows are finally complete and we're putting more things together than we are taking them apart. Starting to pick up progress on fixing things!
Delfine Week 232: The hatch goes in The new hatch goes in, solar panels are underway and things are moving forwards again.
Delfine Week 231: No man's land The last three weeks have felt like we're "on the cusp." We're building toward something, ready to tip over the edge, but we're not quite there. Turning this project from destruction to creation is about as slow as turning all 27 metres
Delfine Week 230: One stressful hole The stress is building. We're both having trouble sleeping at times. Simon came by on Monday with the template for the new hatch (so the welders could mark up the size), and we spent an hour or so lining it up and trying to make it fit. We
Delfine Week 229: On the cusp? Demolition starts to slow as our thoughts turn towards putting everything back together and readying Delfine for launch.
Delfine Week 228: Bring on 2025 We return from our two week break in Australia to settle back into Belgium and start thinking about the challenges ahead of us for the new year.
Delfine Week 225: Winding down We wind down the year with a big focus on cleaning up and prepping for leaving for a couple of weeks to enjoy a break!
Delfine Week 224: Power surge It's a crazy week as we tear things apart and start to build them back together again. The point of no return is passed. We're into this project at full speed.
Delfine Week 223: Discover Delfine We officially rename from Clair de Lune to Delfine as our time in dry dock comes to an end. We're back on the water again!
Delfine Week 222: Sandblasting is complete The prop shaft is replaced, overplating and sandblasting completed. The renewal of Clair de Lune continues apace!
Delfine Week 221: High and dry A big milestone reached as Clair de Lune goes into dry dock for sandblasting and painting. The surveyor completed the hull inspection and we're making good progress!
Delfine Week 220: Sparks fly Dry docking is imminent as the welders start putting Clair back together. The weather is getting colder and we hunt down some warmer cloths.
Delfine Week 219: Sanding and more sanding Our thirtieth wedding anniversary, lots of sanding and working hard on Clair de Lune.
Delfine Week 218: Plans within plans We get the first round of plans back from the architects, as well as news on when we head into the dry dock.
Delfine Week 217: Dawn of the demolition We arrive back in Gent and move into the shipyard where the work of demolition begins!
Delfine Week 216: We made it back to Belgium After four long weeks, we finally arrive in Belgium! It's been an epic journey, but we're ready for new challenges now.
Delfine Week 215: Heading for Reims From the Champagne-Bourgogne canal, onto the Lateral du Marne and finally, heading up to Reims. We continue winding our way north towards Belgium, up hill and down dale.
Delfine Week 214: Turning north up the Champagne canal Our first week alone on Clair de Lune underway. We travel to St Jean-de-Losne then onto the Borgougne-Champagne canal.
Delfine Week 213: Lessons galore on the Canal du Centre We have our first run in with a low hanging bridge as we come to grips with navigating Clair de Lune.
Delfine Week 212: Preparing to go A crazy week. I return from Belgium with architects, we hard prepping Clair de Lune for getting underway, collect our skipper and then work even harder to make sure everything is in place. We're finally ready to set off.
Delfine Week 211: Back on Clair de Lune A quick tourist visit to Brugge (market research we say!), a couple of days of admin and then it's back to Clair de Lune again.