Matilda Year 2 (Week 104) - Edinburgh to Athens and COVID Well that went quickly… Edinburgh to Athens to back on the boat, COVID and now two years in Greece!
Matilda Week 86 - Shakedown in Aegina Shaking down in Aegina, getting everything shipshape and a few test cruises
Matilda Week 79 - Crete Part 1 Cruising around Crete… in an RV! As we wait on spring to start cruising the Mediterranean on our boat Matilda.
Matilda Week 78 - Coffee tours and talking Conversations galore as we take an intermission from our adventure in Greece, waiting to cruise the Mediterranean on our boat Matilda.
Matilda Week 69 - Announcing 'The Nest' Chores in Athens, a new adventure and starting the refits on Matilda… Adventures in Greece cruising the Mediterranean on our boat Matilda.